From Carbon Dioxide to Glucose.

【盾盾】Just a 脑洞

【God I love the age trick too much】

Tony: Ok there is this thing that really bothers me. Wasn't our Cap born like, 3 years earlier than you did? So why is it always you who considers his other self as "son"?

MCU盾: Stark, I am technically 30.

Tony: That's not what I heard from Romanoff.

616盾: He does have a point though. I've been through a lot of things whilst he was still underneath the Arctic icecap.

Tony: Wait. Icecap. Is that supposed to be a joke?


Tony: Okay. So the problem is that if your age should be calculated based on your DOB, or, as our Cap insists, on how long you've been actually awake. Right? Well let's just say there is a reason that a lot of your wellfares are provided based on your very first birthday. Like, I don't know, retirement funds?

MCU盾: That might be a tricky question for you, Stark. But if you really wanna stick with our DOB, at least there's one thing that I'm pretty sure of.

Tony: Shoot it.

616盾: Both of us are old enough to call you SON, kid.


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